Will You be One of the Many People Who Begin Social Security Benefits in 2014?
Individuals born between 1943 and 1954 reach Full-Retirement Age (FRA) at 66. In 2013 individuals born in 1951 became qualified for early retirement at age 62. The 2013 maximum payment for individuals who retire at FRA is $2,533 per month. The Social Security retirement benefit maximum payment amount will increase to $2,642 for 2014.
Today 57 million workers receive Social Security benefits. More individuals will begin benefits in 2014. The Social Security Administration located at www.ssa.gov provides the following answers to questions you may have about your new or re-newed Social Security benefits.
When can You Expect to Receive Monthly Benefits?
Generally, the day of the month you receive your benefit payment depends on the birth date of the person on whose earnings record you receive benefits. For example, if you get benefits as a retired worker, your benefit will be determined by your birth date. If you receive benefits based on your spouse’s work, your benefit payment date will be determined by your spouse’s birth date.
- If the birth date is the 1st – 10th, you will be paid on the second Wednesday of each month
- If the birth date is the 11th – 20th, you will be paid on the third Wednesday of each month
- If the birth date is on the 21st – 31st, you will be paid on the fourth Wednesday of each month
Changes in your Marital Status can Affect Your Benefits
If you get married or divorced, your Social Security benefits may be affected, depending on the kind of benefits you receive. For example, your benefits may have stopped because of marriage or remarriage, or they may start again if the marriage ends. The following shows a few examples.
- If you get your own benefits Your benefits will continue
- If you get your spouse’s benefits Your benefits will continue if you get divorced and you are age 62 or older unless you were married less than 10 years.
- If you get widow’s or widower’s benefits Your benefits will continue if you remarry when you are age 60 or older.
- If you get any other kind of benefits Generally, your benefits will stop when you get married. Your benefits may be started again if the marriage ends