Exciting News! The Second Edition is Here!

Social Security: Maximize Your Benefits (2nd Edition)

Social Security: Maximize Your Benefits (2nd Edition) is here! The second edition has been thoroughly revised and includes over 100 more pages. Some of the Social Security deadlines are quickly approaching. You may be eligible to receive more than you think. Additionally, there are many benefit maximum strategies that are still available.


April 29, 2016 is the last day for qualified couples to submit a File-and-Suspend application for benefits. If you were at least 62 as of December 31, 2015 you are eligible to file a Restricted Application if you file before December 31, 2019. You will find all the details in Social Security: Maximize Your Benefits (2nd Edition).

Click on the link and get the book today! Social Security: Maximize Your Benefits

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Clarification About the New Social Security Rules

New Social Security Rules The new rules for Social Security were passed in Section 831 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. At that point Congress effectively eradicated the File-and-Suspend and Restricted Application claiming strategies for optimizing Social Security benefits. Individuals under age 62 in 2015 (born January 2, 1954 or later) are not eligible for the File-and-Suspend and Restricted Application claiming strategies.

The new rules do not take effect immediately. Also, the new rules do not impact those that already receive benefits. For example, I have a friend who receives Social Security benefits on a restricted application, her benefits will not change. Individuals who are at full retirement age (FRA) or will reach FRA by April 29, 2016 will have an opportunity to File-and-Suspend before the shutdown. (If you are eligible, you must file by April 29, 2016 or lose your benefits forever.) Moreover, anyone who was born in 1953 or earlier (or January 1, 1954) will still be able to apply for benefits on a Restricted Application for spousal (or divorced ex-spousal) benefits, even if the claimant does not file until years from today.

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